The Fed Should Create a Hurricane Crisis Facility
The Federal Reserve should create a Hurricane crisis facility. Massive hurricanes are "unusual and exigent circumstances" and should be treated as such.
A collection of 19 posts
The Federal Reserve should create a Hurricane crisis facility. Massive hurricanes are "unusual and exigent circumstances" and should be treated as such.
Nathan Tankus covers his latest FOIA finding from the Federal Reserve regarding its response to Treasury debt ceiling struggles in 1968
Subscribe Long time and close readers of Notes on the Crises will be aware that I’m a Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) scholar. More than three years ago now I published written remarks
Subscribe []Last Wednesday the Biden Administration announced a number of changes to how student debt would be treated by the Federal Government. They all were important, but
Subscribe []At the end of July, a few hours after I wrote about Employ America’s Oil and Gas proposal [] , the Biden
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Subscribe []I don’t spend a lot of time writing about Modern Monetary Theory on Notes on the Crises. Regular readers will know that insights from MMT
Subscribe [] On this month’s episode Nathan talked to Adam Tooze, history professor at Columbia University, about his new book Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World's