This is a free piece of Notes on the Crises. Reader support which makes my Freedom of Information Act project, archival research and general writing possible (including my #MonetaryPolicy201 series). Monday is the
#MonetaryPolicy201 is a monthly series about the basics of monetary policy. It’s a “201” series because I will be grounding the basics of monetary policy on their largely forgotten legal foundations. The
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The debt ceiling was unsuspended January 1st of this year which means the debt ceiling is back. According to now-former
#MonetaryPolicy201 is a monthly series about the basics of monetary policy. It’s a “201” series because I will be grounding the basics of monetary policy on their largely forgotten legal foundations. The
Announcement: I'm putting on an end of year sale. For just 55 dollars a year you can subscribe and receive premium pieces of Notes on the Crises. This also helps support
Nathan Tankus writes about a secret phone call between Paul Volcker and Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur Burns to save the Treasury from debt ceiling driven default
Nathan Tankus covers his latest FOIA finding from the Federal Reserve regarding its response to Treasury debt ceiling struggles in 1968